Discovery Bay Fitness  |  +1.4086215181  |

Businesses We Love

Below is a list of our favorite businesses. If you think we are great, we know you will love these companies too! Let them know we sent you and we are sure they will take care of you!

United and Together

United and Together is a non-partisan community that helps unite Americans by encouraging one-on-one interactions that begin with listening to each other. We are helping people find a way to connect with each other beyond the labels of conservative or liberal. We celebrate the diversity of opinions, and encourage people to stand up for their beliefs. However, instead of trying to convince someone to change to our way of thinking we are just sharing our viewpoint, and that gives the other person the freedom to share their views as well.

Music Lessons / Creative Arts Studio

Rockin' Kidz - Located in Los Gatos & Saratoga

Offers music lessons and tutoring sessions to children and adults! This is Melanie's sister's company. Music has always been a passion of Tiffany's and has been writing her own music ever since Melanie can remember. (She ever has written a song just about Melanie!) She is passionate and dedicated to providing quality instruction in the creative arts to children and adults. She teaches guitar, piano, voice, drama, songwriting and educational support and career guidance. Check her studios out and we are positive you and your kids will LOVE it!

Las Madres